The next AHCC “She Rides On” bunch ride is on 1st December 2024 in the Adelaide Hills! We have our “usual” flat monthly ride too – on 15th December – see my separate post (soon to be published) for info on that ride.

On the 1st December we are riding the Club’s Oakwood Road course – this is a short circuit course & we’ll use re-groups to stay together. Like our flat ride our Hills ride is suitable for women who are members of AusCycling (any Club) riding in cleats on a road bike with some road & bunch riding experience. We enjoy coffee together afterwards too. We’d love your company ..especially if you’d like to “come-&-try” our race on this course on the following Sunday 8th December. I’ll be in G grade that day helping out as a mentor rider for anyone who is new to racing with AHCC or hasn’t raced this course before or in recent times.

Full ride details and registration for 1st December ride are on StackTeam App…search for “She Rides On Adelaide Hills CC”.

If you have any issues with Stack Team App or would like more details about the ride on 1st December, or about riding with me at our race on 8th December, please contact me, Margaret Boylan, at or on 0427 701 658