On Monday 20 Dec 2021, we had the privilege of donating the entry fee proceeds of our last race for 2021 (the 12 Dec Oakwood Kermesse) to the Macclesfield CFS to help fund an upgrade to the protective eyewear for the volunteer firefighters. We raised over $1,800, so a big thanks everyone!
The AHCC runs over 20 events a year and our last event for the year has traditionally been one where all entry fees are donated to a local community organisation. This year, it was the Maccy CFS. Last year, the Hills Environmental Centre, the year before that the Balhannah CFS, before that the Macclesfield Primary School… and so it goes on back over the years.
Our club also supports the local community through hall hire fees we pay wherever we run an event (such as those at Macclesfield, Balhannah, Lobethal, Bradbury, Harrogate and Gumeracha). We also actively promote and support the local café’s that our riders and officials go to for much needed nourishment. On top of that, the club provides its members, plus all those who come and ride with us, with a healthy activity and, just as importantly, a community of friendships and belonging.
Just love this club 😊