
National body (AVCC – now AMCC!) AGM. Some great outcomes.

Hi everyone,
The AVCC (now AMCC) AGM was held recently. Here are a few key outcomes.

The AVCC (Australian Veterans Cycling Council) will now be called the AMCC (Masters, not Veterans). This change started at our club, got support from SAMCA, and was unanimously approved at the National level. It’s a great step forward to bring the organisation up to speed with the Masters space our club participates in.

Age 30 for males is approved! Yep, another initiative that started at AHMCC, then support from SAMCA, and now set at the National level. The AMCC constitution change to allow this is just getting regulatory approval and should be done pronto. As soon as it’s got the regulator tick, we’ll let you know!. So tell your friends who have wanted to join but are not 35 yet to get ready to be part of it all. The rule is that a member needs to turn at least age 30 in the year of membership, so as long as someone will be turning 30 in 2019, they will be able to join and can do so for our half-yearly rate of only $111. Winner!

Our club VP, Don Clifton, is now the AMCC President!

One of the top priorities of the AMCC committee is to do a full review of our licencing and insurance arrangements to offer better options for clubs and members. More on this as the review continues.

Any questions? Just drop me a note

Sarah Rawlinson
AHMCC President



Come along for our Mothers’ Day Kermesse!

Sunday 12 May at Balhannah.

A great way to start the day. We’ll have you home in time for all of the mum-day lunch stuff.

Everyone is welcome. Bring your friends for a FREE trial ride!

Registration at the Balhannah hall, Pye Road, Balhannah.
Racing starts from 9am

Check the attached flyer for details.

See you there!

Questions? Sarah 0409 910 079


Harrogate Results

Due to a glitch in the timing system communication between the decoder and the laptop it was not possible to present the live results as no data was being received by the laptop during the race although it was still being recorded on the SD card in the decoder.
However once the race was finished it was just a simple matter of getting the communications working again and then reloading the data into the laptop from the decoder so no results were missed.
