Kenton Valley Results
Due I expect due to the cold weather only the final lap time for the following riders was picked up :- 3, 18, 27, 43 and 47. The times for the previous laps are just estimated.
Due I expect due to the cold weather only the final lap time for the following riders was picked up :- 3, 18, 27, 43 and 47. The times for the previous laps are just estimated.
Here’s the provisional Start List for Sunday 30th June 2019 Kenton Valley GSR Round 2 of the 3 Race series.
Come along to our Paris Creek event on 7 July!
Noms here:
It’s a fab course and a great morning out.
Bring your friends for a free trial ride!
Questions? Don: 0437 967 088
Hi everyone
Here’s what’s coming up in June – plenty of combined-club events so some good fields and some good course variety!
Sunday 9th – It’s a long weekend so enjoy the break!
Sunday 16 – the Milang Open (hosted by SDVLCC): Noms
Sunday 23 – the Ron Williams KOM series (hosted by SDVLCC): Noms
Sunday 30 – round 2 of the AHMCC 3-state series: Kenton Valley. Noms:
Put the dates in the diary and we’ll see you all there!