Hi everyone
We are stoked to release our events calendar through to end of the year! Winner!
We’ve had a challenge working around the Super Series events, plus a couple of other big events on the ACSA calendar, but we got there in the end 😊
July sees a couple of hill-climb TTs – big thanks to Zero Friction Cycling for supporting these events.
There are also another 2 new road race courses added to our calendar from what we had in the first half of the year. The Harrogate course – possibly the greatest road race course in the known universe, and the Fox Creek course.
Check it out here: https://www.adelaidehillscc.org.au/our-events/
Course maps are here (the Fox Creek one will be up soon): https://www.adelaidehillscc.org.au/course-maps/
Speaking of great events….
Our next race in on Sunday 16 May – the Forreston course (starting in Gumeracha). Noms are open so get your name on the list here: https://entryboss.cc/calendar/ahcc and bring some friends!
Questions? Contact Sarah or Don president@adelaidehillscc.org.au