Hi everyone
We’ve been keeping an eye on all of the COVID-19 stuff and what it means for getting racing going again.
The AHMCC position is:
· The SA Gov Road Map for Stage 2 – due to come in to effect on 5 June – does not present sufficient grounds to re-commence racing. The ’20 person limit’ is, in the club’s view, clearly an ‘event’ limit, not a sub-set of the event (such as a graded bunch within the event).
· We also need to consider the wellbeing of our volunteers, many of whom are in a higher-risk group. We do not see it appropriate to place volunteers in a compromised position in feeling obliged to help but rather wanting to not expose themselves to infection risks where they can be avoided.
· There is a sense of community responsibility and not push racing – a non-essential service – to the front of restrictions easing.
· We should take a cautious approach and only proceed with racing where there is unequivocal direction from the Government that we can re-commence.
It may be that, once details of the Stage 2 rollout are released things might be much clearer and if this allows us to re-start racing, we will get a re-commence plan sorted.
Until then, enjoy your social riding.