Hi everyone
Check out the AHMCC events calendar for the second half 2020: https://www.adelaidehillscc.org.au/calendar-2020/
Plenty of great racing coming up!
August is action packed – put the dates in your diary:
2nd Aug is the Langhorne Creek Handicap. Noms are open, so get those ‘chase them down’ legs tuned and ready to go.
16th Aug we are hosting the next All-Clubs event – the Kenton Valley course.
23rd is the Club Championships. A double header – kermesse and hill-climb at Bradbury. Everyone is welcome but only AHMCC members get the ‘club champion’ glory. More on this to follow soon.
30th is the State TT champs (hosted by SVCC) that also incorporates the AHMCC club TT championships. Put the head down, pedal like there’s no tomorrow, and get yourself some champions bling.
Questions? Don 0437 967 088