Sponsor the club

Become a valued sponsor of our great club!

Our welcoming, friendly, progressive and community-focused club provides great cycling events in the Adelaide Hills.
The support of our valued sponsors helps the club continue to do what it does best: run quality events with low participation costs.

Join our current sponsors in your support of the club:
  • All Adelaide City Edge (sponsors our annual Club Consistency Award). For all things real estate, contact Paul Bateman [HERE]
  • Beyond Bank (provides funding for members to get/renew their first-aid certificate and for the club to invest in other event safety initiatives). For all things banking, contact Beyond Bank [HERE]
  • Built Agency (our web site development plus club branding and images). For all of your web site development needs, contact James [HERE]
  • Cycling Inform (helps fund our regular event prizes).  For coaching to help you achieve your cycling goals and prepare for, and medal, at the club, state and national level, contact David Heatley [HERE]
  • First Principles Coaching (sponsors our “most improved” for the year award). For coaching for recreational cyclists of all ages, abilities & sizes, contact Margaret Boylan [HERE].
  • Paul King Plumbing (sponsors our annual Club Championship series). For your plumbing needs, contact Paul [HERE]
  • Project wine (provides wines as prizes and wards). To learn more, go [HERE]
  • The Stirling Hotel (provides vouches as prizes for events). Make sure you call into the hotel for food, drinks and accommodation [HERE]
  • The Stirling Organic Market and Cafe (provides vouchers as prizes). Make sure you call in for a cuppa and meal [HERE]

    For our Tour of Fleurieu sponsors, check [HERE]


Regular club sponsorships

We welcome regular sponsors of the club.
Our sponsorship packages are flexible and the opportunities broad.
As a sponsor, you will receive ongoing recognition across our Club’s communication channels that include:

      • Social media – over 2,000 engaged followers and boosted ‘feature race’ posts reaching over 2,500 cycling South Australians.
      • AHCC Website.
      • Race day product presentation / sampling (we run about 20 races per year)

This is also a good way to give back to the club and to the community.
Sponsorship opportunities are both cash and merchandise: here are some options:

Sponsorship area

Type of sponsorship

Training of our first-aiders (accreditation and renewal of accreditation) Cash (to help meet costs of the relevant courses)
Generally, about $100 per member
Supplies for our first aid kits Either or both:
* Providing the supplies to keep the kits updated
* Cash for us to purchase items
Merchandise to give as prizes at our events Either or both:
* Merchandise items that riders would like: riding nutrition items, coffee-shop vouchers, bottles of wine, cycling items (tubes etc)
* Cash for us to buy items
Updating our safety signage Cash so we can purchase needed items
Sponsor an event * Cash to help cover the costs of running an event (regular events cost in the range of $300-$500 to run to cover things like hall hire, merchandise prizes, course set up costs, catering, and so on).
* Event naming rights come with this sponsorship.
Club promotion to bring in new members and riders to our events Cash to help cover the costs of our promotional activities
Other ideas? We welcome other ideas on how you might like to support the club


Tour of Goolwa

About the Tour – key points

  • A major 2-day cycling event on the South Australian Cycling Calendar.
  • Attracts over 200 riders from across the State, plus officials, family members and spectators.
  • 4 events over 4 days: Day 1 is based at Finniss and Day 2 in the Waitpinga and Pt Elliott areas.

Sponsorship options:

Cash sponsorship: a sponsorship of $500 provides:

  • Stage naming (where one of the 4 stages will carry the sponsor’s name).
  • Recognition at the event both days, including at the end-of-event presentations.
  • Recognition on the Tour web site.
  • Regular promotion across our social media platforms, starting from the date the sponsorship is agreed, right up to the event date and again post-event. Our social media platforms (Facebook and Instagram) have a collectively audience of over 2,500 followers.
    Our club is affiliated with AusCycling, the national cycling body in Australia. Tour sponsor promotional activities extend to a broader set of AusCycling clubs and riders beyond the AHCC.

Merchandise sponsorship: merchandise in the form of product and vouchers that riders value would provide:

  • Recognition at the event both days, including at the end-of-event presentations.
  • Recognition on the Tour web site.
  • Regular promotion across our social media platforms (as above).

For all sponsorships:

  • Sponsors are free to use information and images about the event, and their support for it, to support their own promotion and marketing activities (we just need to see what’s planned to allow us to comment on the accuracy of any information).
  • Promotional items (such as flags or banners) can also be displayed at the event, and we can place sponsor items (flyers, vouchers, merchandise etc) in rider packs.




For more information

Contact:  president@adelaidehillscc.org.au