Hi everyone
We’ve made a few changes to our club calendar.
We have tried to accommodate the CSA Super Series programme to minimize conflicting event dates.
The updated info is on the site
The changes are:
• AHMCC OPEN Sunday, 11th August will now be the Kenton Valley Course (Course 28). Registration at Gumeracha Town Hall. It was previously going to be the Tungkillo Course but road works have eliminated that option. Date unchanged.
• STATE ROAD RACE CHAMPIONSHIPS Now on 13th October. Forreston Course remains the same and same rego at Gumeracha Town Hall. (previously they were to be held on 29th September but that clashed with CSA Super Series)
• ADELAIDE HILLS TOYOTA CLASSIC To be held on 27th October, course remains the same and rego still at Wistow. Previous date was 20th October, again a CSA Super Series clash.
• AHMCC club race on course 19A (Deviation /Collins Hill Roads) is now on 20th October. (Previously on 27th October)
Any question? Don 0437 967 088